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Главная\Tiles Market\Exhibitions\Cersaie 2012 tile novelties. Three dimensional tile

Cersaie 2012 tile novelties. Three dimensional tile

Tile manufacturers did not do very well with bright colors this year. We photographed everything that there was in this category and posted the photos in Cersaie 2012 photo report. Part I.

Since manufacturers mainly produced imitation stone tile they decided to continue with the idea and create decors from the same material. The descendants of Raphael and Velasquez concentrated all their abilities and created giant tile cheese graters. 

Объемная плитка от фабрики Apavisa.
 Three dimensional tile from Apavisa

It probably took them a  while to get to this point and many ideas were exchange, which is why three dimensional decors all looked somewhat the same. 

Объемная керамическая плитка Imola by stark новинка cersaie 2012
A classical example of three dimensional decor from Imola
Плитка с эффектом 3D фабрики Villeroy&Boch
 Tile with 3D effect from Villeroy&Boch
Новинка. Объемная плитка Cerdisa
 Three dimensional decors from Cerdisa

Porcelanosa was a bit different - its booth reminded the work of a crazy Lego fan, who is very hardworking and wants to be praised for his work. 

Плитка с эффектом объема от испанской фабрики Porcelanosa
Tile with a three dimensional effect from Porcelanosa

Well, that's why a trend is a trend - it gives the visitor a way to firmly master the difference between the good and evil by the end of the exhbiition. Evil is making someone clean this type of tile. 

Новинка выставки cersaie 2012. Объемная керамическая плитка
Three dimensional tile from Atlas Concorde

Evil can be made better if you place some large nuts around it.

Плитка Атлас Конкорд Италия на выставке cersaieю Объемные декоры к керамограниту
  Объемная плитка от Atlas Concorde

Potential evil can take on many forms

объемная плитка Petra Antigua Новинка
Three dimensional tile from Petra Antiqua
Варианты объемных плиток от итальянской фабрики Petra  Antiqua
A variety of three dimensional tile presented by Petra  Antiqua

But even original potential evil promises suffering.

Трехмерная плитка фабрики Petra Antique на выставке в болонье
Three demensional tile from Petra Antiqua

If you have a fight with your designer and underpay him, he can become completely evil and install a three dimensional decor with rough surfaces in your apartment! Just imagine how nice that could be!

Объемный декоры для плитки фабрика Caesar. Новинка 2012
Three dimensional tile decors from Caesar.

This is what Atlas Concorde offers especially for hotels and business-centers. This year, their entire booth was decorated as a lounge and bathroom zones for a business traveler. Obviously, the angry face of such business traveler will be lit by a smile when he sees this magnificence and his figure, tired from all the worries and flights, will rise up like Italian pine. 

Объемная плитка фабрики Atlas Concorde
Another option of three dimensional tile from Atlas Concorde

After all, there is good old concervatism in the world still. As far as any cleaning lady is concerned, the option that was offerec by Sant Agostino is the best. 

Плитка квадратами с эффектом объема. Новинка итальянской фабрики Santagostino
 3D tile from Sant'Agostino

Here is Porcelanosa light. You aren't afraid to accidently kill someone by hitting them agains this tile. It can be easily cleaned! How wonderful!

Плитка porcelanosa. Новинка выставки cersaie 2012.
Three dimensional tile from Porcelanosa

Calming 3D tile with small leaves

Трехмерная плитка Porcelanosa. Фотография с выставки Cersaie 2012
3D tile from Porcelanosa

A very concervative option was offered by Aparici. This manufacturer knows what it's doing as its tile is sold in Russia and all other manufacturers are eating their hearts out sprinkling themselves with crumbs of 3D decors. 

Неровная плитка Aparici
 Three dimensional decors from Aparici

And finally, the good old Tecno Art Marmi factory, which, unlike all others, sells real stone, not immitation stone tile, and trully constructs 3D decors from different large parts, such as cubes, and doesn't print forms. The factory manufacturs such decors for quite a long time and is probably the only one, whose three dimensional decors look trully three dimensional. 

Об]емная плитка Petrastone на выставке Cersaie 2012ю Techno Art Marmi
Three dimensional stone installation Petra Stone byTecno Art Marmi,

And there is the light, light, light version - 3D decors that are drawn. After all, maybe not so rich, but kind and sensitive people live in Portugal. 

Плитка, имитирующая объем. Производство Love Ceramic Tiles, Португалия

 Three dimensional tile imitation from Portuguese Love Ceramic Tiles

Of course, not only three dimensional decors could be seen at such a large exhibition as Cersaie. You can read other parts of the photo review here:
Imitation stone tile. Cersaie 2012 photo review
New collections of imitation wood tile. Cersaie 2012
Imitation cement tile. Cersaie 2012 photo review

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Cредняя оценка: 5 | Всего голосов: 1 |
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